What to do during quarantine, or it's time to start your own business

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What to do during quarantine, or it's time to start your own business

Post by ritu790 »

What began as a local outbreak in distant China has, in just a few months, become a pandemic that cannot be ignored.

This event has affected us all: many countries are introducing quarantine, closing borders, postponing public events; companies are transferring employees to a home work schedule. Now it is necessary to be extremely careful and take care of your health and the health of your loved ones.

But there is no need to panic. If we cannot change the situation, let us change our attitude towards it.

We have collected for you the TOP 10 things you can do during quarantine and which you probably haven’t gotten around to doing due to the constant lack of time.


TOP 10 useful things to do during quarantine
1. Engage in professional and personal development
When, if not now, to gain new skills or improve your professional expertise? The Internet provides hundreds of resources with online courses on any topic - from political science to web development. Many of them are free, so the only thing you will spend is time. Examples of popular platforms with online courses: Udemy.com, Edx.org, Prometheus, Coursera.org.

2. Pass the exam and receive a certificate
If you have long wanted to get a Google product knowledge certificate , prepare for the IELTS or TOEFL exam, or get certified in auditing, perhaps now is the right time. Plan your preparation process step by step and start learning.

The easiest way to become a freelancer is to start writing and selling your services on copywriting exchanges, such as Advego . The highest paid is to become an intermediary between a team of developers and clients from the exchanges. In many cases, to start working, you need to fill out a profile and create a portfolio.

We recommend creating your own website, specifying links to it on different exchanges and sending it to potential clients. If you have no experience in creating websites, the best option is to use a constructor with ready-made templates. For example, on Weblium you can create a high-quality website in a few hours.

4. Increase your list of professional and personal contacts
It's no secret that it's often not the money that decides, but the right connections. Maybe you should take advantage of your free time and establish communication with experts in your field? Try adding these people to Linkedin and actively commenting on their posts, engaging in discussions on controversial topics. You'll be surprised how many people will offer to work with you.

You can also boost your professional reputation on a specialized forum, offer a joint project to an expert, communicate with your clients, or publish your material on a thematic resource. The choice is unlimited - it all depends on you.

5. Start your own blog or YouTube channel
Have you collected enough experience to share with others? Then it’s time to start a personal blog or launch your own YouTube channel. Perhaps this experiment will be short-lived, and you will quickly get bored. However, if it turns out to be successful, such an activity can bring you much more pleasure and income than your main job. Why not give it a try?

6. Start your own business
Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine a business without an online presence. Often, creating a website with a description of your main products and services is the first step towards developing a company. There are several types of websites for beginning entrepreneurs.

1) Business card website — with information about services, contacts, including data on the location of your company. You will be able to share a link to the business card website with friends and potential clients, add it to thematic directories, bulletin boards and maps. This will give you the opportunity to get your first clients online.

2) Portfolio site - with examples of work and services, customer reviews. A portfolio site will increase customer confidence in you as a contractor.

3) One-page site - to attract potential clients and obtain their data for further processing. Paid advertising is often launched on such sites.

4) Website with a blog - for promotion in search engines. We recommend creating a blog if you want to get your first clients through quality content that readers will find through search engines.

If you are just starting out and are looking for an effective nepal phone number resource and easy-to-use website building tool, we suggest you try the Weblium website builder .

7. Start developing your business
Do you have a small offline business, but now is not the best time for its development? Then we advise you to focus on creating online promotion channels that will subsequently generate offline customers for you.

For example, you can create a business card website with your office/location schedule, add information about your business to Google Maps , make notes in local business directories, send a link to your website to potential clients, and much more.


How does it work? You become a member of the program and receive an affiliate link. You are then paid a reward for every purchase made by a person who came through your affiliate link.

To attract customers, you can create your own website with a product review, make a publication on social networks, launch an advertisement or promote the project in another way convenient for you. The main thing is that all this can be done online.

9. Try new hobbies
You probably have a list of things you've always wanted to try, but never had time for. Maybe you wanted to write a story, paint a picture, learn to play the guitar, or update your portfolio? A week at home can make a huge difference to you—you just have to get started.
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