One of the greatest privileges that the Internet gives us is the ability to express our free opinion, and that, ultimately, can affect the image and reputation of your business .
It is important to take into account different nuances in order to best direct this reputation, however difficult it may be.
If you want to know how to get a good online reputation, Kiwop gives you some tips…
What is online reputation?
Online reputation is everything that is heard on the Internet about your brand, that is, all the values, colors, news, etc., that are associated with it.
That is, they are a set of actions or elements that are associated with a company, brand or person. They are dictated by your audiences or consumers.
This reputation depends on internal factors , which the company can control the impact generated by the published information. And, on the other hand, external factors are those dictated by the public and are very difficult to control.
For example, a good online reputation would be appearing in the first results in a Google search . If you want to achieve this, contact us .
Importance of achieving a good reputation
We must keep in mind that it is important to achieve a good reputation and that is why you must take care of the earned media , that is, comments, shared publications, among others.
These variables will depend on the strategies of owned and paid media , and it depends on these for our image as a company to remain positive.
We have to be aware that once users have seen a negative comment , it becomes more easily remembered.
For this reason, you must correctly manage this media strategy , whether on your social networks or on paid media such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads .
A good online reputation will mean more sales , publi malaysia telegram data c trust in your brand and that will ultimately result in customer loyalty .
Good online reputation kiwop
The importance of a good online reputation
The tools that allow us to measure online reputation
Thanks to the tools that help you measure your online reputation, you can see what image and opinion users have of you in online media, and this will allow you to make changes to improve it.
Some of the instruments that allow you to do this are the following:
Achieving a good positioning of your company in online search engines
You can see this when using your brand name in the search engine or keywords , all of this is what is known as SEO work, which refers to categories, products, values, among others, that are found on our website.
Then you will see that this reputation is not only based on your networks, but depends on the positioning of your website , that is, on which page it is found in the search engine.
To do this, you need to know that the vast majority of users stay on the first page of their search and, within this, on the first three results.
Therefore, the idea is that to have a good online reputation your company must appear in the first search results .
At Kiwop we are specialized in SEO work, if you want help or more information, check out our services .
Achieve good positioning of keywords
In relation to the above, it is important to use keywords correctly so that they can be positioned in the search engine and are easier to find.
And directly, it will help you get the best results .
Take negative reviews into account
As you have seen, it is important that we take care of the relationship with our online users in the best possible way.
For this monitoring we can use tools such as Brandwatch , Mention and Melwater .
Good online reputation kiwop
Tools to measure online reputation
Tips you should follow to achieve a good online reputation
If you want to achieve this good online positioning , we advise you to follow these steps:
Have a close relationship and connect with your audiences
Reinforcing our actions or information through testimonies
Always act and speak with respect and in a polite manner.
Accept both constructive and destructive criticism
Transparency to build trust among your users
Respond quickly to audiences who interact with your brand, regardless of the medium
Improve your online reputation