Introducing examples of resident collaboration in city promotion by local governments

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Introducing examples of resident collaboration in city promotion by local governments

Post by moniya12 »

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Release date: February 29, 2024
In rural areas, the population is moving to urban areas, leading to a declining birthrate, an aging population, and depopulation, so local governments are implementing city promotions to create and revitalize the region. However, there are many initiatives being undertaken by each local government, and it is becoming more difficult to differentiate and produce results every year.

In order to achieve results in city promotion, it is important that the local government does not carry it out alone, but rather works with residents, utilizing the region's tourism resources. In addition, it is crypto email database list necessary not only to aim for an increase in relocation and settlement, but also to increase the number of related population and foster civic pride.

This article explains the objectives and challenges of city promotion, as well as examples of successful city promotion through collaboration between local governments and residents. In the second half of the article, we will also introduce the "Machiage" service, which can be used to increase the number of related population and foster civic pride.

Please read to the end as it is full of tips for successful city promotion through collaboration between local governments and residents.

* Civic pride: Pride and affection for the community

Show Table of Contents

 What is city promotion?
 1.1 Purpose of city promotion1.2
 Why city promotion is necessary1.3
 Effects that can be expected from city promotion

 Issues with city promotion2.1
 Aiming to increase the number of settlers and immigrants,
  but it is difficult to see results2.2 The number of initiatives in each local government is increasing, making it difficult to see the
 What is "Machiage" that can be used to increase the related population in city promotion?
 5.1 You can select users who are likely to adopt civic pride and deliver advertisements to them.5.2 You
 can visualize the effectiveness of advertisements based on analysis reports.
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