Creativity quote: "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso.
Because even though we all have that typical friend who, every time he sees a very creative piece of art or reads an amazing book, claims that he himself could have done it in a couple of afternoons, the truth is that the most creative results have countless hours of work behind them. And this doesn't mean that inspiration can't come to you when you least expect it and far from the office, it means that if you don't put in the effort every day, you won't be able to identify and take advantage of the most brilliant of ideas.
This affects us all, because creativity is not just a matter for illustration geniuses, painters, designers or writers… Any problem that requires a solution will benefit architect phone number list from a good dose of inspiration. Getting started is the most powerful ritual for invoking creativity. At the digital marketing consultancy Pinchaaquí, we know it well: if you wait for the best air current to come to you to jump and start flying, you will end up forgetting how to fly.
But like everything, creativity also has its tricks, and it is possible to intensify the call to the muses if certain steps are followed. And this does not mean that it is an exact science that will make you see the light immediately: work and determination are essential allies that go hand in hand with the entire process.
Get out of the comfort zone
Everyone knows what they are good at and it is very tempting to keep doing it until you are sick of it. But unfortunately, security and comfort are enemies of creativity . Write about new things, read books and watch movies that are far from your preferences, socialize with new people: find a way to get out of your comfort zone and new ideas will find you.

Moving away from the problem to be solved
If you get stuck, don't force the situation and put distance between yourself and the work or problem you have to solve. You can move on to working on something else, meditate and clear your mind for a few minutes, or simply physically distance yourself from the problem. The point is to concentrate on something different that allows your subconscious to work freely and make mental connections that, sooner or later, will lead you to the solution you are looking for.
Find your own routine
There have been thousands of studies and thousands of theories written about how to be creative and boost your imagination, but, in the end, each person is a world (or universe, rather!) and will respond differently to the same stimuli. That's why it may work for you to work in a non-guided way and let yourself be carried away by intuition and the moment... But it may also be that having a well-structured and squared work routine will help you reach the mental state necessary to give the best of yourself. So, don't put limits on yourself based on what you've read or heard: it's a matter of time and self-knowledge to learn what your ideal creative process is . And work, of course.