In recent years we have experienced a period of transition to the digital world that has caused information to take on a fundamental role. The proliferation of the media and the growing importance of managing and analyzing information has caused the structure and roles of a company's marketing team to change radically compared to years ago. So it should not be surprising that these changes directly affect the workers and professionals in the sector.
Marketing Department
The change is mainly centered on the fact that today we understand marketing as a balance between art and science . The emergence of a more scientific marketing implies the need to have professionals who singapore mobile phone number list have the knowledge and skills to manage and analyze data and information. In short, more scientific profiles that provide a more strategic and analytical vision to marketing.
Thus, it is not enough to have great professionals; different but at the same time complementary profiles are needed, which take on different roles within the department and cover the different areas in order to maximize the marketing performance of a company.
So... What new roles does the marketing department need to have a dream team?
1. The Role of the “Digital Marketer”
Over the last decade we have witnessed an intense evolution of the Internet, a channel that has revolutionized the way companies communicate. For this reason, marketing directors have had to rethink the criteria, objectives and capabilities to be able to cover this new need.
What does digital marketing include? Digital marketing ranges from the web, search engines, social networks, email marketing to viral marketing and display advertising. It covers a wide range that offers brands the possibility of interacting with users and sending mass messages, all at a low cost.
The need to use one channel or another will directly depend on the interests of the brand and the objectives it sets. However, tools such as email marketing should be essential in the activity of any brand.
Therefore, the rise of digital marketing has made it essential to create new jobs that cover different disciplines. Either internally, by hiring people specialized in different areas, or by hiring external digital marketing agencies . Everything will depend on the financial and personnel resources that the company has available.
What is clear is that brands need talents who know how to make the most of these disciplines and who know how to take a complete picture of the entire digital landscape.
2. The role of the “Storyteller”
Content has become a key component in the current marketing approach . Every marketing action we carry out involves the communication of a certain content. Content that cannot be launched into the world in any way, but must be thought out, worked on and we must know when and how to communicate it.
For this reason, brands need content experts who know how to communicate and even do so as if it were a story. Always adapting to what is relevant to users. We live among stories, where emotions come from the connection with the stories. Inevitably, people are attracted to stories and no matter how good a product may be, if you do not know how to communicate it, it will go unnoticed.
We are talking about nothing other than content marketing . And a good professional not only knows how to produce quality content, but is also able to find the right ways to reach consumers.