What is the influence of digital marketing in the tourism sector? In Spain, as in other parts of the world, digital marketing is constantly changing and updating itself in light of the innovations that arise. Its use is almost a rule to be applied today in almost all sectors of the economy and society, and of course, the tourism sector is no exception to this.
After being confined for a little over a year without being able to travel, tourism in the world seems to be gradually recovering and with good expectations, and much of this has been thanks to digital marketing and the advantages it offers.
What is Tourism Marketing?
BluCactus - People who are travelingTourism marketing is the strategy belgium business email list designed and implemented by all members of the tourism sector aimed at promoting related services.

That is, the promotion of hotels, airline tickets, destinations, restaurants, tourist sites, transportation services, tours, among others.
Nowadays, marketing seeks to focus on awakening sensations and appealing to feelings, and seeks in its promotions to offer experiences beyond lodging and transportation.
All this so that people or potential clients can imagine themselves in the place in a situation of relaxation and enjoyment.
Importance of digital marketing in tourism
Digital marketing itself helps a brand to have a presence in the market, among others, and oriented towards tourism, it will seek the same and also be able to promote and encourage the consumption of tourist services in people, through the connections that can be established through advertising in the media.
Factors that influence the importance of digital marketing in tourism
BluCactus - People who are travelingAwaken emotions
One of the important aspects of marketing in tourism is to generate emotions that encourage a person to want to purchase a tourist product, such as a lodging package that includes transfers, meals and a tour with a limited-time price offer. Therefore, it would be exciting to attract the person to consume.
Motivate consumption
Closely related to the previous point, motivation consists of encouraging consumption by offering various tourist options, expectations of experiences to be lived in a certain place, showing comparisons between different destinations, among others that lead to imminent consumption due to the need to make an unforgettable trip.
BluCactus - People who are traveling
Information is power, and in this case, providing as much information as possible is key to achieving a real conviction in the person who is interested in traveling. In some cases, people may be suspicious of an offer with very low prices or with many advantages or options, which can generate distrust.
Therefore, the more information there is, the more transparent they will perceive the offer, which will make them more likely to buy the service or package.
Digital marketing can be used to disseminate information effectively, which is why it is important to apply it to the tourism sector and thus be able to reach more people with information about the sector, its products and services.
Importance of the presence of tourism companies on the Internet
BluCactus - People who are travelingIt is not necessary to emphasize too much the fact that we spend most of our time on the Internet , either for leisure or because we need to search for information, so by having a tourism company present on the Internet, the greatest number of people will be able to access the information they are looking for easily and quickly.
If it is about classifying, the most important points would be the following:
Through websites, those who have enjoyed the service can leave their comments and thus share their experience and serve as a reference to others, which can boost a brand, as well as encourage sales of a specific product or service.
By having a presence through various options ( social networks , blogs, etc.) you can cover different types of audiences and clients and thus reach the largest number of people possible, and thanks to the influence and relevance that the media exerts on people, you will enter them.