Setting goals
Despite the fact that the areas of marketing activity and its functions are diverse, the goal of the marketing department is ultimately one - to increase the company's profit. It can be expressed, for example, in an increase in the average check, the number of new customers, the occupied market share.
The goals can be achieved by implementing the following tasks:
market analysis;
competitive analysis;
"packaging" of the company's products and services;
bringing products and services to market;
development of assortment policy and pricing;
study of the target audience;
search for new markets and target segments;
working with the company's image;
and others.
To determine which task will bring the company closer direct marketing with fantuan database to the goal, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the business, its threats and opportunities. To do this, the marketing department must conduct and update the SWAT analysis.
Marketing department structure
To understand how to build a marketing department, it is important to determine its place in the company. Traditionally, it is part of the commercial department, as is the sales department. Each of these departments has a manager who reports to the executive or commercial director.
The structure of the marketing department depends on the size of the company. For startups and small businesses, hiring a marketer is enough. The larger the company, the more complex the structure and the more specialists work in the marketing department.