Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

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Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

Post by Rseosomaraih695 »

1.- First step: Define the styles

The first thing you need to do is define the style of the template you are going to manage.

To do this, from ' General style ' you select all the aspects that have been discussed previously: Typography, colors, background,...

The next step is to think about the layout. A first header with the logo and then the news.

Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

To prepare your content, we recommend you go to the help azerbaijan whatsapp number data page and see the recommended image sizes, which are:

Title : 600px wide.
Gallery : not to reach 300 px.
Once you have the images, the next step is to assemble the template.

2.- Second step: The header
Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

Start by uploading your logo and customizing it. To do this, you can choose whether or not to give it space above and below, how to set the borders, the background color, or the alternative texts.

It is very important that you do not forget to add a link to the logo image that takes the user to your website and blog.

Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

In addition, the advanced email editor will suggest you give the same header a title .

We recommend that it be similar to the one on your website. If you are going to copy and paste it, remember to do so using the ' Plain Text ' option so that no styles are pasted. Do the same with the subtitle.

Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

You can then add a separator using the ' divider ' tool or by using an image.

In this case, we suggest you use an image with the same width of 600 px. Insert the image that will act as a separator and the advanced email editor offers you the possibility of adding an alternative text.

3.- Third step: The container
Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

Once the header and separator have been edited, it is time to edit the blog entries.

To start, insert the first image with its corresponding title. If it is too big, the advanced email editor will automatically adapt it.

Next, and following the blog example, customize the date and description.

Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

To do this, create a new block in which to attach the information, always using the plain text option.

And finally, add a call-to-action button that leads to the MDirector website. This way, you will have completed the block to work with.

Using the preview option, you can preview it and correct any necessary aspects in the advanced email editor.

Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

The easiest way to continue working is to duplicate the blocks and put them in the other containers. This will keep the selected values ​​and you will only have to change the content.

The architecture will be the same and, as you can see in the image, a line or row will already have been created. Check your work with the 'Preview ' and see how it would look on mobile devices as well.

4. Fourth step: Social networks and the footer
Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

Select the networks you have activated. Then, remember to add the links and customize the style that best suits your design.

Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

Finally, you will be given the option to edit the footer as well. In this case, we copy the footer from the MDirector blog, always as plain text.

You can also link it to the URL that directs the user to your website.

Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

In the advanced control you can add a CSS style. In this case we have added another separator between the social networks and the footer. Thus, the newsletter is now designed.

5.- Fifth step: Launch tests
Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

The only thing left to do is to run tests on different email clients to see how it looks on platforms like Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Apple or Android, among others.

This is the process of creating a template. As you can see, it follows an order: First style, then layout, and finally content.

As a recommendation, if you are going to follow a very long session, we advise you to save the changes you make.

Are you a code expert? Discover our advanced HTML email editor
Steps to understand MDirector's advanced email editor

Also, if you are a CSS expert, you can also access the code from the ' HTML Editor '. It actually appears the same as when you edit your own content, but it has a special feature. Thanks to the advanced editor you can access all the HTML code and touch whatever you want.

At MDirector we do not recommend copying and pasting codes, but we do recommend editing them freely.

General recommendations
Finally, to help you with MDirector's advanced email editor, here are some basic recommendations to ensure your work is optimal:

Image formats : JPG, Gif and PNG.
Videos : We do not currently have a video standard. You can use HTML5 but you run the risk of not being seen.
Fonts : Use a standard one, similar to your content so that it can be displayed.
HTML5: An HTML5 design will also not work in email clients because they will not be able to read it. Just like using programming. You run the risk of falling into spam.
If you want to put into practice some of these good email editing practices, you will need a professional emailing platform like MDirector .

We can help you with the right steps to implement a perfect email marketing strategy. Do you need more information to communicate properly with your customers through email marketing?
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